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Information for Graduates
The UMMC Commencement services proudly recognize graduating students for the current academic year (August graduates, December graduates, and May graduates), as well as honor faculty who have contributed to the education mission.
Note. All students anticipating graduation must apply for graduation through the Workday student portal. Students may contact the Office of Enrollment Management by phone (601) 984-1080 with questions about the graduation application.
The UMMC Commencement ceremony begins promptly at 10 a.m. and should end shortly after 12 p.m.
Graduate preparations
Regalia information is captured when students apply for graduation through the Workday student portal.
Rented regalia should be picked up in the Norman C. Nelson Student Union gymnasium on Friday, May 16, 2025, between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. If a student cannot pick up their regalia, they must ensure someone picks it up on their behalf.
Regalia may be purchased through the UMMC Bookstore and Gift Shops.
Professional appearance
All students must wear the approved regalia for their degree.
All students are expected to dress professionally under the academic regalia. Dark or neutral shoes and visible clothing are encouraged.
- Mortarboards sit straight on the head, not at an angle.
- Wear the tam horizontally so that it is parallel to the ground and sits about an inch above the ears.
- The tassel should hang over the left front of the mortarboard or tam at all times. Tassels will not be turned during or after the UMMC Commencement ceremony.
Robing and line-up area
Students must be lined up in their regalia by 9:30 a.m. in the Trade Mart in the areas designated for each school. The school's designated Student Marshall will lead.
Note. MD-PhD graduates will line up with the School of Graduate Studies in the Health Sciences.
Before lining up, students must leave any personal items (e.g., suit coats, purses, cell phones or other electronic devices, etc.) with a family member or friend. There is no place to store personal items at the Mississippi Coliseum or Trade Mart.
Each student will receive an index card printed with their legal name (as reflected in Workday) as they line up in the Trade Mart by School/degree. Students should not make any changes to the index card provided. The school readers have been instructed to read only the printed information; this information is also listed in the event program and on the diploma. Therefore, students must bring this card to the platform to receive their diploma cover, and should not leave the index card in the Trade Mart.
The Processional
Faculty and staff will lead students from the Trade Mart to the graduate seating area of the Mississippi Coliseum, which is called the processional. The procession is in the following order:
- School of Nursing
- School of Health Related Professions
- School of Dentistry
- School of Medicine
- John D. Bower School of Population Health
- School of Graduate Studies in the Health Sciences
- MD/PhD
Again, students must bring their index card to the platform to receive their diploma cover, and should not leave the index card in the graduate seating area.
Moving to the platform
School by School, each Dean will ask their students to stand for the conferral of degrees.
Row-by-row the Faculty and Student Marshals will lead students from the seating area to the platform.
Each student will hand their index card to their school reader before crossing the platform. The student's name will be announced, and the student may proceed to receive their diploma cover from their School Dean.
Note. Some doctoral level students will also receive their doctoral hoods from designated faculty.
Students will walk back to their seats and remain seated for the duration of the ceremony.
Regalia return
All rented regalia - gown and hood - must be returned to the UMMC Bookstore personnel in the Trade Mart (same location for robing and line-up) immediately following the ceremony.
Any rented regalia not returned will be charged a late fee plus the cost of the regalia to the student's account.
Diplomas will bear each graduate's full legal name as recorded in Workday. This is also the name that will be announced at UMMC Commencement services and listed in the program.
Diplomas are mailed to graduates. All student holds must be cleared before the diploma will be mailed.
Photographs and news releases
Professional photography
A professional photographer will be on-site capturing photos of each graduate as they receive their diploma and/or hood.
- A free color "proof" will be mailed approximately two weeks after UMMC Commencement to the graduate's permanent address on file. This address can be updated by the graduate in the Workday student portal.
- Graduates may order photographs from the proof at that time. If they do not wish to order, the "proof" is theirs to keep.
Additionally, from 7-9 a.m. only, a professional photographer will be stationed on the Second Floor concourse in the Mississippi Coliseum North Entrance (Mississippi Street), to capture studio prints of graduates. Family or friends may also be included in these photos.
- No reservations will be accepted. This is first come, first served only.
- All photos will end promptly at 9 a.m.
News releases
The UMMC Office of Communications and Marketing disseminates a list of graduates to multiple media outlets.
Graduates or their families wanting announcements in their local media outlet should contact their news organization directly.
Alumni engagement and apparel
The UMMC Alumni Engagement team keeps our vibrant alumni community connected to the University of Mississippi Medical Center and to each other by strengthening communications between our alumni and UMMC, celebrating and building traditions, fostering student and alumni leadership, and creating opportunities for investment in UMMC’s future. All UMMC graduates are encouraged to update their contact information!
Alumni apparel, gifts, and other items are available for purchase through the UMMC Bookstore and Gift Shops.
For more information, please contact the Office of the Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs by phone at (601) 984-5009 or by email at